Dynamic Canvas for Non-Photorealistic Walkthroughs

Matthieu Cunzi, Joëlle Thollot, Sylvain Paris, Gilles Debunne, Jean-Dominique Gascuel, Frédo Durand

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Research teams Authors Related webpages
MIT Computer Graphics Group
Matthieu Cunzi
Joëlle Thollot
Sylvain Paris
Gilles Debunne
Jean-Dominique Gascuel
Frédo Durand
ARTIS publication entry
ARCHEOS: INRIA Action de Recherche Coopérative
Graphics Interface


The static background paper or canvas texture usually used for Non-Photorealistic animation greatly impedes the sensation of motion and results in a disturbing ``shower door'' effect. We present a method to animate the background canvas for Non-Photorealistic Rendering animations and walkthroughs, which greatly improves the sensation of motion and 3D ``immersion''. The complex motion field induced by the 3D displacement is matched using purely 2D transformations. The motion field of forward translations is approximated using a 2D zoom in the texture, and the camera rotations is approximated using 2D translations and rotations. A rolling-ball metaphor is introduced to match the instantaneous 3D motion with a 2D transformation. An infinite zoom in the texture is made possible by using a paper model based on multifrequency solid turbulence. Our results indicate a dramatic improvement over a static background.

Conference material

Graphics Interface 2003 paper: PDF (5 MB) | PS.GZ (4 MB)

Graphics Interface 2003 presentation: PPT alone (8.6 MB) | full presentation: PPT+videos (94 MB)

Demonstration videos

Walkthrough demo
MPEG 1 (22 MB) | Quicktime (26 MB)
Walkthrough thumbnail
Rolling sphere thumbnail Rolling sphere metaphore
MPEG 1 (7 MB) | Quicktime (14 MB)
Infinite zoom
MPEG 1 (4 MB) | Quicktime (9 MB)
Infinite zoom thumbnail
Spherical warp thumbnail Spherical warp
MPEG 1 (6 MB) | Quicktime (14 MB)

Additional material

Source code

dynamicCanvas Donwload source code
You will have to install the libQGLViewer library in order to use this example.
To compile the application, simply type :

Paper texture samples (click for full size PNG image)


Bibtex entry

@InProceedings{ CTPDGD03,
author =      "Matthieu Cunzi and Jo{\"e}lle Thollot and Sylvain Paris
               and Gilles Debunne and Jean-Dominique Gascuel and Fr\'edo Durand", 
title =       "Dynamic Canvas for Immersive Non-Photorealistic Walkthroughs",
booktitle =   "Proc. Graphics Interface",
month =       "june",
year =        "2003",
publisher =   "A K Peters, LTD.",
keywords =    "NPR, Immersive Walkthrough, Canvas, Paper,
               Infinite Zoom, Rolling Sphere Metaphore",
url =         "http://artis.imag.fr/Publications/2003/CTPDGD03"

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Russian translation of this page courtesy of StarMoz
Bosnian translation of this page courtesy of balkanscience

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